Saturday, March 28, 2009

Will winter never end?

Here it is the end of March and 3-6 inches of snow are expected tonight. I had to leave the dog park early since only a sweatshirt, parka shell, cap & gloves was not enough to wear in 29 degree temps with 20 mph winds.....on March 28th!

It's been a busy couple weeks. We started leading two small groups (bible study in Mark & Growing Kids Gods Way), Robin prepared herself and us for her departure for CA to help her mom get ready to move, and I've been interviewing people almost continuously at work in addition to all my other duties.

In a way, I'm kinda glad it's so cold. I can't get out & do some of the work I was planning & I'm just going to relax this weekend.

Next week I've got a ton to do to finish hiring at work, get ready to leave for a Spring Break college visit tour with Tim & continue the small groups. Lord, in You I put my trust.....& rest.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Setting a New Goal

One thing I learned last summer hiking the Grand Canyon is that I need physically demanding goals. It's pretty easy to become a sedentary middle aged blob, bobbing along in the stream of life. Not what I want! Determining that I would hike the canyon did a lot of things for me. I was motivated to work out....if I didn't I wasn't sure I'd survive. I did something that I have dreamed of doing....I've decided doing things I dream of is very cool. I found God in a way I've never experienced before. In the terrain, in my limitation, in my companion's grace, in the simplicity of an outstretched hand. So this year I'm setting a new goal. This one is with Robin.

We are going to participate in an Aquathon. An Aquathon is a 1000 meter swim followed by a 5k run. Google "aquathon madison 2009" and you should find a "Fleet Feet" site that describes it. I'd post a link but the site loads videos from YouTube which my Inet filtering software chokes on. Robin & I will be training together for the 5k with a group from Fleet Feet called "No Boundaries". Then seperately we'll be swimming to get ready. I'm looking forward this time to facing my personal limitations along with my bride. All kinds of new ways to find the Lord & each other. Wish us luck!!