Saturday, September 05, 2015

35th Wedding Anniversary

September 6th, 2015, is the thirty fifth anniversary of the day Robin and I gave our lives to one another. At just 22 and 23 years old, we knew it was just right. We were the best of friends, that's never changed but only grown richer. We've got three sons who are now all older and wiser than we were when we married, and the journey gets richer still. We have two grandchildren that are truly a crown in our older age. There is much ahead of us on this journey, and we're excited to meet it together.

See more 35 year old images....

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Essence of Fatherhood: 6 Simple Lessons

From zenhabits

I’ve been a father for more than 21 years, and have 6 kids altogether, and have loved every messy minute of it. And now I have a young brother who’s becoming a father this month, and is deeply scared by the prospect of fatherhood. He’s not sure if he’ll do a good job, worried he’ll fail.

via Pocket

Monday, March 01, 2010

Reading a new (actually old) book...

A co-worker loaned me a book the other day. I had just had a rather frank discussion with him about the challenges I'm facing. He thoughtfully recommended a book he has gotten some real good out of reading. It's titled How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. I would not have classified my struggles at work as 'worrying'...but as I begin to read, perhaps a lot of the stress I'm experiencing is from not simply doing what is in front of me, and worrying about it.

In chapter 1 there's a lovely poem that I'll share.


Look to this day!
For it is life, the very life of life.
In its brief course
Lie all the verities and realities of our existence:
The bliss of growth
The glory of action
The splendor of beauty,
For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day!
Such is the salutation to the dawn.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Continuing to probe limitation.

Since September 2009, I've been responsible for two IT application development sections at work. This has been a significant management challenge. The amount, complexity and political nature of the work is unprecedented in my experience. I'm quite exhausted at the end of every day.

Robin & I continue to lead a small group teaching Growing Kids God's Way, which has been very rewarding....but at 17 weeks long is beginning to take it's own toll. We continue to mentor a couple whose marriage is struggling, and Robin and I both mentor several people (one woman for her, two young men for me). We will be finishing one session of GKGW in March, then immediately picking up with our Chapter Summary bible study that we haven't done now for almost a year.

In the past 7 days, both Dan Winther and my mom ended up in the hospital. Dan with intestines wrapped around scar tissue causing a blockage. This required surgery, and he is now recovering at home. Robin is there helping out. My mom had a small stroke and is still in the hospital. She's in for about 10 days of physical, occupational & speech therapy. It's been great to see my brothers & sisters in law rally together to help out.

Limitation. It surrounds me. I'm aware of it every day. I'm beginning to learn to embrace it.

This morning the Lord gave me Psalm 27:1-- "The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?"

Monday, April 06, 2009

College Visit Road Trip

Here it is the middle of April and we've been thrown a curve ball at the start of our Spring Break college visit road trip. A blizzard over CO & NE have closed I-80 West of Lincoln NE. Tim & I had a great visit with Rod & Barb Zach. Little Joel gave me his bedroom for the night, which I very much appreciated. Tim hung out with Philip, Sharon & Sharon's boyfriend...watching the final four games at the dorms of UNL. I got a tour of Rod's school & the carnival they had that night....Rod spent a lot of time in the dunk tank. The family is very happy in their new home & neighborhood. God is very good.

Tim & I made it safely to Denver on schedule by heading South first instead of West...Robin is a day behind due to flight cancellations. We'll have to skip the Carlsbad Caverns, but are looking forward to a visit at NMMI tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Will winter never end?

Here it is the end of March and 3-6 inches of snow are expected tonight. I had to leave the dog park early since only a sweatshirt, parka shell, cap & gloves was not enough to wear in 29 degree temps with 20 mph winds.....on March 28th!

It's been a busy couple weeks. We started leading two small groups (bible study in Mark & Growing Kids Gods Way), Robin prepared herself and us for her departure for CA to help her mom get ready to move, and I've been interviewing people almost continuously at work in addition to all my other duties.

In a way, I'm kinda glad it's so cold. I can't get out & do some of the work I was planning & I'm just going to relax this weekend.

Next week I've got a ton to do to finish hiring at work, get ready to leave for a Spring Break college visit tour with Tim & continue the small groups. Lord, in You I put my trust.....& rest.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Setting a New Goal

One thing I learned last summer hiking the Grand Canyon is that I need physically demanding goals. It's pretty easy to become a sedentary middle aged blob, bobbing along in the stream of life. Not what I want! Determining that I would hike the canyon did a lot of things for me. I was motivated to work out....if I didn't I wasn't sure I'd survive. I did something that I have dreamed of doing....I've decided doing things I dream of is very cool. I found God in a way I've never experienced before. In the terrain, in my limitation, in my companion's grace, in the simplicity of an outstretched hand. So this year I'm setting a new goal. This one is with Robin.

We are going to participate in an Aquathon. An Aquathon is a 1000 meter swim followed by a 5k run. Google "aquathon madison 2009" and you should find a "Fleet Feet" site that describes it. I'd post a link but the site loads videos from YouTube which my Inet filtering software chokes on. Robin & I will be training together for the 5k with a group from Fleet Feet called "No Boundaries". Then seperately we'll be swimming to get ready. I'm looking forward this time to facing my personal limitations along with my bride. All kinds of new ways to find the Lord & each other. Wish us luck!!