Saturday, September 05, 2015

35th Wedding Anniversary

September 6th, 2015, is the thirty fifth anniversary of the day Robin and I gave our lives to one another. At just 22 and 23 years old, we knew it was just right. We were the best of friends, that's never changed but only grown richer. We've got three sons who are now all older and wiser than we were when we married, and the journey gets richer still. We have two grandchildren that are truly a crown in our older age. There is much ahead of us on this journey, and we're excited to meet it together.

See more 35 year old images....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Anniversary, Robin & Dan! May God bless you with 35 more! September was a great month to get married in! We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on September 16. The party we had in September was to the theme song by Earth Wind and Fire - do you remember the 21st night of SEPTEMBER. It was on a Friday night and all 4 of our sons were home to celebrate us. We are blessed to still be married to our best friend. God is good! #stilltheone