Dan and Robin in Ireland. This is the bridge that Sean Thornton (John Wayne in The Quiet Man) stopped on as he viewed his childhood cottage,
White O'morn.

Patrick and Sean in Ireland. Grandmother (Carol Durst) takes her grandchildren on a foreign tour when they graduate from high school. She took Patrick, with Sean, on a tour of Ireland. The average age on the tour was 70. The boys ages schewed the average down a bit.....but they had a ball.

Sean above the coping, and hanging a wheel above a ten foot bowl in Louisville KY.

Tim getting an unusual birthday present...a promise of heelies...those are shoes with wheels in the heels. Mike & Chris and Tim & Janis flew out for Patrick's graduation which coincided with Tim's birthday. That's they're wrapping job.

Our dog Race. The greatest border collie ever....If Mike or Tim ever read this, they may have some comments to make.